Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 26 ) awaken.and turn Proteflants ; mull the King be to leek for new Planterstobe hisSubjeh ? As BenediaLrs spinofa, who affaultedd the Scripture, did at once alto afiault all Civil Government ; and taught men, that he that could get the Crown had befl right to it ; and that a Man maykill any that (land in the way of his delires, and break any Vows when they are againft- thole delires ( which are his Interefl,) God mercifully fo ordering it, that he that will depüfè Cliri(l, (hall with hire be permitted to depolè all Kings and Governours ; Even fo God in mercy to preferve Princes, in theirwits, from turning Papifls, path permitted the fame Men that firft by Council condemned common Seniè, and made: God the deceiver of 'Senfe, andof theWorld, and new brought Tranfubflantiation into the Faith, to make a: Decree altb (fuck as never Turks, or Canniballs made) That all Men that will not renounce all their Senfes (that is; their animality, and their humanity) [hall be:extermi- listed ; and all Princes depofed that will have fuch (as renounce not humanity) for their Subjeds. Several things are laid to this, byMen that think that if they do but open their Mouths, and fpeak-, though it be to prove that Murder is Mercy and: Piety, they have conquered. i. Say fome, Tau ree the King of France,and others, do notfo. Anf r. t. Ifthey may begood Catho.'icks that re-. bell againfl the Pope and a General Council, whymay not we ? z. I fpeak not ofwhat anyofyou do, but what your veryReligionbindethyou todo: Are not Councils your objective Religion? By the fame L2zv and Religion then- that Tranfubflantiation was firth decreed, if it rule in England, we are all in Law exterminated, or dead Men ( except the Papifls) or elfe the King mutt be no King.. Can