27) Can.-you f y Confidence that your Anceffors this from theApoales ' Ifyouwill, laKings; that loveyour Tradition, take it, 2 .But fume fay,thattherewere noDeemsofthe Coun- cil, becaufe theywere but propoled in haffe by Pope Innoc. and not palled by the Council. This help Bifhop Taylor, Bifhop Gunning , and Bishop Pierian, in kindnefs, would give the Papifts ; but unthankful Men will not accept it : And thereforethe An(werers to Bifhop Gunning and Bifhop Pierfon prove the contrary, as Mr. Dodmell hath unanfwera;biydone latelyat large:And what ever it was in it felf, it was a General Council to the Pa- pills, and is part of their Religion, who number it with the approved ones. And Math. Paris faith but this, that [many Decrees were propo[ed, or brought in by the Pope, which fóme li 'ed, andforce difliked] and yet the Major Vote might pafs them: See alto Naucler, Gen. 41. an. rz i 5 . Godefrid ad an. i.2 . Platin. in Vit. Innoc. 3 3. Others fay, that there were but Decrees of Pra&ice and Difcipline, and not de fide ; and therefore the Pope is not here Infallible,. nor his Council neither. But Men that will not take a found of Words for their Elates, Lives, and Souls, may loon anfwer this. r. That though therebe many things tobe believed, that are not to be done ; yet there is nothing to be done but what we muff firfi. believe that it may, ormuff be done. When it is faid, Thou (halt love God and thy Neighbour ; it is in- cluded, that, Thou muff believe it thy Duty to love God and thyNeighbour : So he that faith [ Hereticks (hall be exterminated, and Temporal Lords that will not do it (hall be depoled; and their Dominions given to others ] doth include, that [ To do fo is a Duty, or Lanifill at lea/I.] Sureit is not confeffedly decreed that thePope. (ball fin; or