(I2) believed, it muff be either Explicitely, or as you call it, lmplicitely: If Explicitely, (that is, as each Point is par- ticularly underflïood and believed, ) then it's doubtful whether there be one Man in the World that is a Chri- fiian, and can be Paved ? If Implicitely, that is, Virtually as it is in force General Propofition, what is that General? Is it that All that God revealeth is true? Or that All that the Sprit of Chrift inhis Apofiles delivered to the Church as his word, is true. Thefe we all agree in, if this will ferve the turn ? Is it that the Church is the Minifterial Keeper ofthe Sacred Doctrine as delivered ? This alto we agree in. Or is it that the Church de eventu /hall never corrupt, alter, or lofe, this word, or anypart, of it? Ifyou mean it of every particular Church, we are agreed ofthe contrary. You confefs that manyChurches have fallen to Herefie, and many Apoflïatized from the Faith : If you fpeak of the Univerfal Church, weare agreed that the Univerfal church fhall never Apoflatize ; for if Chrift hadno Church, he were no Head of it. And we are agreed that they shall never turn fuch true Hereticks, as hold not truly all the ,E ffentials ofChriflianity : For fuch allo are no Chriflians ; becaufe each Effential part is neceffary to the ,offence. But whether the Univerfal Church, much more the Greater part, may not make or receive force culpable alterationby Amifiîon,Omifliion, or Commi(Iion, we havereafon toqueliion ? We never heardanyProofthat theNegativewasneceffary toSalvati- on,nor is it held byall your fèlves;andwhether by anyone man I cannot tell : For you take the Bible to be Gods Word, and your knowledge of the various Readings of theHebrewand GreekCopies, and the multitudeof Er- rours in the Vulgar Latine corrected by P. Clem. S. and Sixtus S. do fatisfieall the World, that you hold that the Uni-