(28) or that Temporal Lords (hall be depofed by him for any thing but fin, in their Au ertion. . 2. Ifyou grant that a Popeand General Council are Fallible about Duty and Sin,- even in depofing Princes, .and diffolving their Subjects Oaths of fidelity, how fhall we know that they are Infallible in matters ofFaith ? He that is deceived in laying, Thou muff obey theTen Corn- mandments, may be deceived in laying, Thou (halt be- lieve the Creed : Ifwe cannot be lure by the Churches Propofal that God is to be loved ; how Mall we that way before that he is to be believed, a tad that the Scripture is his word. And ifthe Pope may excommunicate and de- polé Princes,and change Dominions by errour , how can I be Pure that lie may not fay by errour, that this Bread is noBread, and this Wine isno Wine. 3. Is it only matter of Faith, and not matter of Fad that you have by fore Tradition ? Is not matter ofFaci(as Chrift's Birth, Death, Ilefurrection, and Afcention ) al- ío matter cf Faith ? And is not this inqueftion a matter ofFact, viz. Whether, de fado, tde 4poliles told the firfl Converts, that Bread after Confecration was no Bread, and that this was the meaningof Chrift's words [ 7his is my Body] which you affect? And it's matter of Pradice that Men muff receive it in this feñfè. But if the Coun- cil maybe deceived in this, and make fuch Laws for ru- ining Princes and Nations, which yet they were never taught by their Fore fathers; why may not the fame Men fay [Ere rd is no Bread ] without being taught it by their Fore-fathers. 4. Will you give it us under your hand, that this Council and Pope diderr in this, and are not to be obey- : ed, that Princes may have fo muchnoticeofyour truffi- t.fs ? But what Council bath ever lince declared that this