Baxter - BX1763 B28

(29) this Pope and Council erred in this ; name. it me Wyatt , can ? .No, they will be guilty ofno fuch Contradiótions as fhall fignifie repentance and amendment. 5. In the mean time, is not the Pope andhis Council by this Decree, declared Enemies to all Proteftant Princes, and People ? What can any proclaimed Hoftility do More, than thus byyour higheft power to Decree Exter- mination ofall the People,and Depofition oftheir Lords? And is not he to be taken and ufèd as a Publick Profefed Enemy, who Co profèfi'cth hirnrelf? Are you not all vir- tually in continual Arms againft us, who make the De- crees of fuch Councils your Religion ? V. And why might not an Arrian have argued as you do, when they had their General Councils, and the worldgroaned to find it f if turned Arrian, faith a Fa- ther ? Might they not at Ariminum and Firmium have faid, How can we believe it, unlels our fathers had it from the ApoJtles ? And I fuppofe you know, (elle Sandi- towill tell you ) that the Arrians pretend as confidently to Tradition as the Papifts do. And your own Dionyf. Petaviw hath cited fo great a Number of the antienteft Fathers and Writers, who fpeak words too plainly fa- vouring of, or favouring Arrianifm, as will tell any Man that their pretenfe is not without fuch a colour of proof, as is as plaufible as any you canbring for the Tra- dition of Tranfubfrantiation at the leaft. VI. I pray you tell us which way was Tranfubftanti- ation delivered down from the Apoftles ? By writing, or without-book, by word alone ? If by writing, are not thole Writings yet extant ? And cannot we read them as . well as you ? You tell us that all the Writings of the ninth, or tenthAge thew it ( which is falfe..) But if the Writings of the`fiat .eight hundredyears (hewed not the fame.: