(3g) tfiát the far greatef part ofMen, both among Papiffs, Greeks, and.Proteftants, have too little fenfe, or under- ftanding of Religion, tobe accurate keepers ofthe fence of Scripture ? Tryyour own followers in Ireland, Spain, Italy, yea, or France, .whether the generalityr of the Common People teach their Children, or underf and: themlelves, what a Sacrament is though your Induftry may teach them to Cant out fuck words as you would have them fay in oppofition to theProtefrants. When . wehave much ado to get moíf ofthe Vulgar to endure to be Cateciiifed themfelves, and to underifand the very Creed, and Principles of Chriffianity 7 do you fuppofe them competent prefervers ofthemyfferious fenfe offuck- words as we are Controverting ? X. And if Tradition without Writing be fo fure, how cometh Tradition to be fo contrary ? The Millenaries pretended to Tradition from St. john? Moll ofthe Wri- ters of the fit-It 3óo Years Teem for them. Yet T think . youwill farce confefs that this was indeed the Dottrine ofany Apoffles. XI. How long did the Opinion and`Prac`Iice ofInfants Communion prevail in the Church ? Doth it follow therefore that they had it from theApoffles ? Why then do youdifufe it ? XII. The Praftice of not adoring, kneeling on any. Lords-day. in the Year, or any Week-day between E rer and whitfontide, was indeed called the Pra&ice of the Univerfal Church, and an Apoftolical Tradition ; and was Dec=reed in the firff General Council at Nice, can. 20 If they had not this from the Apoffles, howprove you that your Tranfubftzntiation is from them ? If they ad why have you changed an Apofolical Univerfal Practice XIII. And'..