Baxter - BX1763 B28

(33) XIII. And ifit wasthe CommonBeliefof the Church, why did never General Council mention it till i a r5 Years after Clhrifi's Birth ? Was it becaufe it was com- monly known ? So were the Articles ofFaithwhich they do mention : And fore it is the Common Faith which they are to preferve and deliver. Unlefs they were neg- ligent or forgetful, it was becaufe no fuch thing was then believed. XIV. The ancient Churches profeffed that their'Creed contained all the neceifary Articles ofthe ChriftianFaith: And when Hereticks obfcured force of them, they put theExpofition of them into their after Creeds. IfTran- fiobffantiation thenwas a necefiary Article of Faith, how came it to be left out of all the Creeds ? XV. The fecond Council at ivice held Angels tobe Corporeal, and that Images were not to be worfhipped with Latria : Yet Aquin&s, and many others of you, as to the Image of chrift and the crofs, diffent from them in the latter ; and the generality in the former : Had they thefe then from the Apoffles, or not ? XVI. Dothoneofyour General Councils, (e. g. that at rrent,) fignifie all the Chriflian World ? i. When they are oft but a fewMen ( not fifty fometimes) and when one County or Diocefs with us hathmore Learn- edMen. a: When they are aFaction packt by thePope, and his Agents. 3. When we know that it is ufùally thePope, Prince, or Arch-Bifhop, or Menof Power, that chufe the Members, though molt of the Clergy be oft for others, or have no choice. 4. When all the Papif}s that fend to your Councils are not paft the third part of Chriftians, and the far greateft part have no Delegates there. 5. Whenwe know that a few Mens Intereft, and Speeches in fuch Affemblies ufe to carryaway the E xnoLL