Baxter - BX1763 B28

moll: 6. Whenwe know that they ufe to differ among thernfelves, and fometime carry a Cade but by a fein' Votes : And how fba,ll we be fure that ifninety fay one thing, and one hundred fay the contrary , that the ninety did not as well underhand. the. Traditionof their Bore-, fathers as the hundred ? 7. And when we know that Men are oft in Council born down by fears, or hopes, or fair words, and repent when they come home, as the Greeks did after the Council at Florence. 8. Yea, when we know that they fometime fall into inhumaneFewds, yea, and fight it out toBlood ; as the Cafe of Diofcor c againft Flavianw proveth. And is this a certain -Ttadi tion of what was delivered by the Apotties ? Indeed Baptifm,the Creed, Lords-Prayer,- Dëcalegue; and the Eucharift have been delivered down° by certain Tradition ; But fo hath not= every Controverfie about them, nor in particular,,_the .Doctrine of -Tranfubftan° tiation. XVII. Read but Pet. Molinóeus de' Novitate Pépi fmi, or-but the Non,,conformifis late Morning Lelures on that Point ; and you will fee how the Papifts have innovated in Religion,, and áll their Errours provedNovelties : And fhall we,think that fuch changers have kept Tranfubf}an- tiation as from the Apoftles, that-could not keep one half the Sacrament itfelfwhich they delivered them ? XVIII. How £hall the ignorant know whether this Man-fay true? that molt Books, and molt Men were for Tranfubrantiatiòn in the ninth and tenth Centuries ? The time is paff, and the Menare dead Muff he know it by the Books of thole Ages, or by the Teffimony of thisAge ? Ifby. their Books, r. How fháll he that hath read their Index expurgatorius, and known their corrup- tingof Authors, be fure thatthofe are not corrupted ?- 'or.. anany.