Baxter - BX1763 B28

C 35 ) many of theirs as veryForgeries, as Mercator, ,Decretals and abundance of Spurious Writings ? fo proved by Cook, Blo,dell, Rivet, 74/her, and many more. Is it neceffá-. ry to Salvation that the Vulgar ( yea, or the PriefFs) have fo much skill in Hiffory as to know which way mofr Menwent for fo many Ages paff, in the Expofition of facia a Text of Scripture ? What Man- can tell now what mind inoff of the World are of in leveral MyfIeries1 and controverlies between you and us? Who can tell how to take their Votes ? Much lefs can every illiterate Man knowwhat mind moot Men were ofin former Ages ; and leaf} of all to be able critically to judge of the Evi- dence, and what Authors are fpurious and corrul,ted,and what found. z. Nay, who ever put fo much Cofmo- graphy into the Creedbefore you, or made it neceffary to Salvation,to know that there is fuch a Place as Rome in the World ? 3. IfBooks muff decide that Cale for the ninth and tenth century, why not for the former alto ? And have not we all thole Books as well as you ? And yet we are confident that they are ägainff you. 4. But if it muff be by the Tef}imony of the prefent Generation, whofe Tef}imony muff it be that muff tell us what our. Fore -Fathers held ? Muff it be by the Teflimony of a Council? 1. There is no General to enquire of, nor bath been long ; nor know we whether ever there will be? z. If it muff be by the lafl Council, r. Flow (hall the Vulgar know that it was a true General Council, any more than that of Ephef 2. Bafil, Conftance, &c. 2.1-10w know they what they did Decree ? They never faw, or heard them. If it muff be by -the Printed Books, r. They cannot read them. 2. They know not whether they are forged , . or falfified. 3. They know not the meaning of them, If it muff be by Ree