Baxter - BX1763 B28

(36) Reports, by whole Report? Father Paul Servfita maketh them a pack=of Fellows that abufe theWorld, under the Phew of a General Council Hewas a Papift. We can- not look for another Council to tell us what this Coun- cil Paid. Muft men take the word of particular men? Some accule that Conncil ; fome own it : Whom íhall we believe ? muft it be everyTinkle Priefl ? Then Father Paul muff be believed againft them : And fome that turn from the Pope fay more againft them thanhe : And how shall the Peopleknow that thePrieft faith true ? Perhaps heknoweth the Prieft tobe a common Lyar, or perjured at leaft, he knowethhim not to be infallible. If the Pope be infallible, none ofyou faith that each Prieji is fo : And we never taw or heard the Pope. If you fay that we muff believe the Priefts where they all content : How fhall ordinary men know that, who never fee a Council, nor many of them ? If the major Vote muff be believed: who fhall gather the Votes, and how fhall the People know them ? In a word, I fee no way that you have to give men any afiurance what to believe to falvation, (for the generality that cannot travel over the World, nor get skill in Hiffory and Cofmography) but only to be- lieve that Prieft that fpeaketh to him ; when perhaps he knoweth him to be a man that hash forfeited belief ; or at leaft is_ neither the Pope, Council, Church, nor pre- tendeth to infallibility. But liippofe that the perfon be fo learned, as to be ver- fed in the Councils, How fhall he know by themwhat the former Ages held ? r. What Councils be they that he mull believe, and how íhall hebe lure of it ? Is it the Councils aforefaidof Ephef. 2. Bafal, Confiance, and filch other ? Thefe you reje6t, and many more. 2. Do any Councils tell him by Decrees, which firmer Councils were