Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 13 ,) Univerfal Church, or the major part, even your own; may culpably erre, or alter the very written Word of God. And who would then believe you, if you faid, [But theUnwritten word it cannot alter ? ] It's true in- deed, the Efentials confidered, as Written or Unwritten, all the true Church, nor any one Chrittian, while fuch, cannot deny: But fure, if many thoufand Errours may . be found in that Book which you take your felves for the Word of God, and this through the fault or failing of fuck as have had the keeping of it and all Divine Reve- lations are to be believed, and all theword of God is Di- vine Revelation , it notorioufly followeth, That your. own Church hath not kept all that is matter of Divine Faith from alteration. So that though many of your Wranglers will not diflinguifh the E[Jentials of Chriftla+ nity (called Fundamentals) from the Integrals andAcci- dentals, (as if Chrifhianity were nothing, and had no determinate Effence,) yet this fheweth, that you muff do it whether you will or not ; or elfeyou muff confefs that your Church may alter any thing, or every thing, as it hath dóne all thefe fore-mentioned : Which wewill not . confefs of theChurchUniverfal. But, I fuppofe thatwe have not yet met with theFaith that you account neceffary to falvation : It is that the Pope ofRome, and a General Council, cannot erre, in deli- vering to .was, the Apoftolical Doc`irine to be believed. And this is an implicite believing of all that is written in Scripture, and that is delivered orally-from theApoftles. If fo, . words and names go very far with you as to mens falvation. Is this tobelieve a thou-fand<things which a mat lever knew or heard of? if he ;do but believe the ía;f t lip )itv ofyour Church ? What), ikjieve that which I rre'v 'rOnce thotí ht.9 ? But this is t,lpplic to Fa7tb ? Y. A