Baxter - BX1763 B28

(38) ing men can tell that this wayyou are utterly condemn- ed : For at this day, as is raid before, at leafl two third parts of the Chriftian World are againft your very Pa- pacy it felf ; andbelieve the ancient Churches to have 'been againft it : So that Tradition dothdepofe thePope. So that you have no way left, but to fay, It is our own judgment or Tradition alone that we will ftand to. So much to your dull cheat, about your pretended Univerfa,l Tradition. Pag. i i. You notably fay, [Suppole a Book fully written d2s to all points to be believed by Chrillians, by the firft Teachers of Chriflianity : Let them together with this..Book give charge to their firft Converts, not to 444 to it, or di- mini/h it, and to believe in their Conteiences they jhali think that Book (ball teach them. Though Generation af- ter Generation be never fo faithful to fuch.a Charge, yet they may in after Ages come to lofe or- change their: Faith, 'becaufe the Boo'' may Teem to one Generation to bear one fenfe, and to another Generation : to bear another ---- As there words, This is my Body, may feern to one Age to bear this fenfe, This is the Sign of my. Body, &c.] I. But you muff fuppofe allo, that they that will learn -this Book muff have Teachers :: Elfe how will they Iò much as read it ? We are for Teachers as well as you, though not for.udges that may judge in partem utramli- 'bet. The Pat-tors may teach thePeople that there is a God, a Chriíf, a Life to come but cannot judge that there is none. And Teachers make known that fame Evi- dence of Truth to the Learner, bywhich they received it themfelves but do not fay, you muff believe that there is a God, a Chrift, aHeaven, meerly becaufe wefay fo. '2. Andyou mutt put intoyour Suppofïtion, that (as is raid) the Effentials are delivered both ways, by Wri- ting andby word of mouth. 3. And