Baxter - BX1763 B28

`c4° Councils or why your Councils Mould be infufliëient, becaufe written, no impartial man-can tell. But you fay further, [Bast no ten_Families who have been taught by their Parents, either to believe that our sa -, viours body is in the Eucharifl, or thatit is no there, (you ihould have faid, in what fenre it is there) can poffi'bly miflake, &c.a Dreams may feem men that arealleep : If God had written the fame words that my Mother fpake to me, why could not I have as well underftood them ? both my Mother; or Father, or Priell (peak . fo much more wifely than God ? Sure not, if the words were the fame. But alas, can you keep us from know- ing, that you and we have ten thoufand and ten thou- fand Families near together, where the. Parents never talk muchto their Children about any fùchmatters, nor catechize them, nor themfelves underhand them: When we ask many of the ignorant Papifts, whether they be- lieve that there is no trueBread andwine at all after con, fecration, they tell us that they do hold that there is,. though yet C.hrifts Body andBloodbe there ; which is but the Lutherans "Confubfantiation Anddo you not knowwhat Durandits taught in this ? and yet they that chide him excufe him fromHerefie. And had Durandus never heard what tenParents teach their Children ? You prefently 'tab yourPapacy to the heart, whenyou fay [Seeing CodAlmighty is re/olved not to teach every Age by immediate infallible Mij ionants -from hire/elf, bat. to fend inrpiredAMbaffadors- to one particulargeneration only, ais:d to !cave thatgeneration to teach their Chilc4renfucce f Jively till the day ofjudgement,what they learnt,e-c. Thus much is juft the Proteftant Religion. But thenwhat's, çome infpired ì fallibility ofyour Church? who thougl- ::