(42 ) how (hall we more certainly know what Chrifl did and commanded, than by thole that purpofety Wrote fo ma- nyGofpels, or Hiflories of it, that. we Might believe and have Life by his Name. Sure the four hvangelifls and the Apoflles Wr°o what they Wrote ( even to the ig- norant ) to be a dcrilood and read. 3. We alit know by the Books written near thole times what then was re- ceived by the Churches. And your Councils cannot know it ( nor your Pope neither) by any other means than are known to others : for their extraordinary Infpi- ration we never law cauce to believe. q.. And I remem- ber no one thing at all, which I do not receive, which kath the Tefimonyof all Chriftian Countries that it kath immemorially been believed by them ever fince'they were Chriftians ; nor 1hall I reject fuch when you prove it. But that is, becaufe, de facto, I think there is no errour that hath filch a kind of Teflimony ; and not becaufe I think it impoffible: For as your part of the World is de- ceived, e.g. to think that the Roman supremacy was infli- tuted byGod, contrary to the judgment of all the Greek Church, andofthe two forementioned General Councils at conJlantinople and Calcedon 5 fo I know not but it had been poßïble tohave brought all Countries to the fame deceit, or to have believed that chriíl's Blood might be denyed the People in the Sacrament, as a thing received by Tradition. We believe that the true church infallibly believeth what ever it believeth upon true Divine Revelation,and that it can never fall from the Effentials of Chriflianity; that is, that Chrifl will 'till have a true church in the World till the end. But we know that in many things weoffend all, and if every Mans will and Life is imper- fed and culpable, then fo is every, Mans judgment ; and