Baxter - BX1763 B28

(43 ) and there is no Man living without many errours, who hath the Exercife of Reafon ; and the Church is Compo- fed of filch erring Individuals : And why it is not pofli- ble for them all to have thought that force oftheir er- rours came down from theApoftles ('as the Millineries thought ) I cannot tell. But whatever is truly proved tobe delivered by theApoftles as the Will of Chrift, by writing, or word, we will readily receive : And theEf= lèntials of chriftianity webelieve, and can prove to have been bothways fo delivered ; and force things more, . ( as theLords-day, &c). But you fay, rag. 15. " Can any imagine that " they who expofed their Lives for their Religion, would, " if they could, agree together, fo notorioufly to change it, cc as to make themfelves molt gro,[s Idolaters, ly adoring ec Bread and wine, as the true Body andBlood of their Crea- « tor, and God?] .44/4% No, but we may well imagine that good Fathers may have bad Children, and that Children are not born with a Church-hiftory, or Coun cils written in their minds ; and that worldly Clergy menmaydeceive, andbe deceived'; and that even pious Menmight concur in the deceit : that is, That the name of Chrifi's Body and Blood being juftly. from the begin' ning applyed to the Eucharift, as the Clergy. grew for mal, ceremonious, felfifh, and worldly, they.negle&ed- theexplication of the fenfe and fpiritual part of the Sa- crament ; and grew to over-magnifie the external figns' a way that tended to that advantage and honour to themfelves, which for want of Learning-and Grace they could not by their worth attain : That the ninth and tenth Ages which you chufe for inftance were as a Night of darknefs, having few Learned Men, in which' he that Was but spilled án Greek and ireórevp was taken- for::.