(44) for a Conjurer, or a Heretick, other ofyotir own Writers betides Bellarmine do acquaint you.. That thePopes were force Boys, many Murderers, Si moniLFs, and molt horrid, wicked, and ignorant Men, many by one Woman brought in, and poyfoned after ; and that for forty Years there were divers Popes at once contending for their fe veral Titles, almoft all Hiffories agree That hence the 'World was filled with Treafons, Rebellions, Perjuries, and all wickednefs, howmany Hiirorians teflrifie ; when .the Pope hath been judged by a Council for a Heretick, and Adulterer, defloweringWomen at his Doors. And is it incredible that fuch Men shoulddegenerate from their Fore-fathers ? Or (hall a Fryar now come out ofa Cell, and tell the World, that becaufe the firft Bifhops ofRome were holy Martyrs, it was not poffible for Pope john to be fuch a blafphemous filthy Villain ; nor for Pope Euge- nius to be damned as a Heretick and wicked Man by a General Council, and yet continue Pope after depofiti- on : or for sergius to ufe Formofus as he did ? I fpeak not of rarities, or doubtful things : The Popes greateff flat- terers lament them. Baronies ad an. 91 a filth L «what u then was the Face of the holy Roman church? How ex- ceedingfilthy, when the molt potent, andyet the motfor- " did whores did Rule at Rome ? by whole pleaPure Secs " were changed, Bifhops weregiven, and which is a thing " horrid to be heard, and not to be fpoken, their Lovers "(or Mates) were thrujt into Peter's Chair, being faire t6 Popes, who are not to be written in the catalogue of the " Roman Popes, but only for the marking out of fach " times : 4nd'what kind ofCardinals, Priefis and Deacons " think you we muff imagine thefe Monfters did chafe, " when nothing is ro rooted in Nature., as for every thing 6G tobeget his 1i'e ? j ¿.Is not Jiere a Succellion ;fit to prove the