Baxter - BX1763 B28

45) the Church of Rome to be the true Church? O happy Succeffion ! z. And is it impoffible that fuch Men as there Ihould err ? and fuch Bithops,Prieffs, and Deacons Mould change one word that was delivered orally from their Fa- thers ? Is not here a fure Foundation for a Man to build his Faith and Salvationon ? Genebrard another furious Papiff (li. 4. see. to.) faith E" In this one thing this Age was unhappy, that for near " an hundred andfifty Tears, about fifty Popes did wholly ".fall away from the vertue of their Ancellors, being ra- iher irregular and Apo, atical, thanApofolical.J Apo- fl-ates make an Apoffolical Suceefon of Infallible wick- ed Men. Reader, did not our Rational Difcourfer wife- ly chufè theninth and tenthAges for his ground-work ? There are the veryAges wholeTeffimony he appealeth to. Pope Adrian ( after) himfelf, (de sacram. Confirm. Art. 4.. faith, that there have many Popes of Rome been Hereticks. And as I laid, Pope John 13 ali,t5 12 was in Council Convict ofRavifhing Maids, wives, andwiddows, at the Akioftolick Doors, andof committing many Murders, and he drank a health to the ,D2vil ; and at Dice calledfor help to. Jupiter andVenus, andat lafl w.s killed in the ALt of Adultery. Saith their Platina [Ye wasfrom his Youth a Man con- taminated with all di/honefty, and filthinefs ; and ifhe had any time to fparefromhis Lufts, he (pent it in hunting,and not inpraying. He faith, he wxs a molt wicked man, or rather :a Moyiler. And faith; [ ihat the Life of this wickedMan being judged in a Council of Italian Bi(hops, , fir fear ofthem.hefled, 'and lived likea wild Beat in the woods.] Pope jobn 23 was accufed and depofed by the Gene- ra1. Council at Con ftancez. pán about. fcventy Vv µ1;âCSl iS "