;Y ( 46 ) whichyon may fee in BinniPts inabout thirteen Columns; çJiz. of Murders, Adulteries, Witchcraft, Simony, a obftinately maintained that there is no Life after this 5 called commonly, The Devilincarnate ; raid the Saul wzs extinFt with the Body, gs a Beafls ; dcoyed the Reim.rrec7ion, &c. And for there the Council depo- fed him. So the great Council at Bafildepofed Eugenius the4th as a Rebel againft the holy Canons, a notorious diflurber and fcandalizer of the Peace and Unity of the Church ; a Simonift; a perjured wretch ; incorigible . a schifmatick and anobflinate Heretick:1 Yet is their Churches Succef- fion continued from this condemned Heretick, who .ftaid in fpight of the Council that depored him. But'you'll fay, Though thePope may fo erre, yet Ge- neral Councils cannot. Anfw. There very Councils that condemned him,are now reje±edby you, as is Ephel: z. and many others : yea accufed as being another Church faith the Learned Cardinal Cajetan in his Ora- tion at thecouncil at the Laterane fub. Leon. io. (Bin.p. 5 5 2.) ['This Novelty of Pifa ( Mark councils are No- veliists) fprung up at Conftance, and vanified: 4tBafil it fprung up again, and is exploded. And ifyou be Men it will now alfo be repreljed as it mayunder Eugen. 4. for it cometh notfromHeaven, nor doth it embrace the Princi- pality ofthat One who is in the Church-Triumphant, and prererveth the Church-Militant; and which the Synod of Pira ought to embrace if it came from Heaven, andnot ow it doth to rely on the Government ofa Multitude. The Church of the Pifans therefore cloth far differ from this Church of Chrift: For one is the Church of Believers, the ,..her of Cavillers; One of the Houfbold of God, the other f the Erroneous : One ofChriflian-men, she other offacb