Baxter - BX1763 B28

(47) -asfear not to tear the Coat of Chrit ; and divide the My. flical Members of thrift from his Myflical Body. See here to what Novelty and Apofracy, even to be another church : You think that General Councils have Iallen, as thofe Councils fay thePope hathdone. O but thefe Men can. corrupt nothing, becaufe the Martyrs wouldnot have corrupted it ! And yet even good Mens pious credulity, believing ignorant Mens Dreams and Vifìons ( fuch as Gregories Dialogues and Beda Phew to any rational Man) may domuch to introduce Changes. But ifChanges be fo impoílìble, becaufe Fore fathers were pions Men and of another mind, how come the Greek - Churches to be Apotatized fo far to Mahometa- nilme ? and why do you accufe the Protefrants,or Greeks of changing, if it was impoifible ( for ten Families) to do it ? Sure then the A anes, Syrians, Armenians, Greeks, 6c. have their old Faith frill unchanged, if it be impofrible. Sure never fuch Villany was charged on their Bithops as on your Popes. If theymay change, notwith- 1h nding their Fore fathers Piety, whynot you ? In the lafr place I fhould fpeak to your Tefrim.onies out of fome Ancients. But I. Why Íhould we put it to the tryal ofFathers,whenyou dare not fraud to it,but fly to the Authority andJudgment ofyour prefent Church ; that is, your Pope. 2. Can any Fathers fpeak plainer than St. Paul himfelf doth, who ca leth it Bread after Confecration thrice in the three next Verles ? Or did the Fathers contradit him ? If they deliveredwhat they received, we fee what that was. Is oral Tradition con- trary to the Scripture ? Is not this a certain Argument? Paulin i Cor. i r. faith oft that it is Breadafter Confe- cration ; ergo, that Speaker, or Writer is deceived, or a G Decei-