Baxter - BX1763 B28

A cheating Name for No-belé f of thófe things: Forby Implicite here you can mean only Virtual, and that is no ttualBeliefof that thing at all, but of fdmething elfe, which would_ infer more were it known : Nay Yirtt al is too high a Name forit But will this ferve the 'WM: to falvation, to believe that the Pape andhip Council are Infallible? What! though the fame Perfonbelieve not inGod the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, nor any of the Articles of his Creed, no not a Life to come ? If you fay, Yea ; Thenwill you call this Chriftiañity, to believe in the Pope, and not in Chrift ? Or do you mean, that men may be faxedwith- out Chriftianity, but not without Popery ? If fo, why was not the Popes Name, rather than Chrifts, put into Baptifm and the Creed, or at leaft with Chrifts ? But the infuperable difficulty is, How muff I believe that the Pope hath this Infallibility ? From Chrift, or otherwife ? If not fromChrift, tell me which way, and why I muff believe it? If fromChrift, can I believe that the Pope hath Power fromChrift, before I believe that there is a Chrift, that hath filch Power to give? And can I believe in Chrift, and not believe that there is a God that fent him? Can I believe that Jefus is theChrift, andnot believe that he is a Sacrifice for fin, or a Media- tor betweenGod and Man, and came to fave his People from their fins ? And can I believe this, and not believe that weare all finners, andthatfin deferveth that punifh- ment whicli-Chrift came to*fave us from ? `Is not our Sa- viour, and our Sin andMifery relatives ? as a Phyfician, orMedicine and a Difeafe? And can we believe that we have fin and défert of=P.nifhtnent, without believing that God our Go rnotr, andigave.,us thatLaw which e bróke, and which fobligeí h is'tdPuri hment? Cari we