Baxter - BX1763 B28

Deceiver,who faith, that he or any other Apoftle-deliver= al the contrary byword of Mouth. 3. Doth this DifcourCer mean" fincerly in talking. of Tradition and the Fathers Teftimonies, and yet never once attempt any anitiver to all thole Tehimonies to the contrary, our of t-heir.plain words, which our Writers have copioufly and often cited. How many, and many more; plain Teflimonies of the Fathers againf Tranfub4 ftantiation doth one Edmunds Albertinu giveyou.? to wv hich,ini}eadofanívers,a fewmeer words,or c>zvils are returned : But all thefe are overlooked by this Difcourfer. But come, let us briefly try all his great proof of the Traditionof the Fathers. I. He begins with excellent Augufine (who in a Car t"hagt Council did help to quell the:Pope's Ufurpátion-) Andout ofmanygreat Volumes he bath found, r -. That i 'in laid:; that [ now it'isno longer called Bread, but the By of Chrift : ] The fame will the Presbyterians fay : Do they not in their Directory fay, [ rake, eat, this is the Body of Chrifi ] when they deliver the Sacrament?: Are they thereforefor Tranlubfantiation ? Is it all one to fity, Lit is not calledBread, and, It is not Bread? ] If the King's Statue be made in Marble or Brafs, you may well lay, This is-not, now to be called Marble and Brafs, but theKnf. 2. That Auflin laid [that Chriggave us his very F.'e/b tobe eaten to our Salvation but no body eateth that Fle/h,. unlefr he have 'grit adored it.] minfw. Any Protefant will fay the fame. For Chrift - himself hath Paid, Exceptye eat the. Flc/b of the Son of Man, and drink his Blood, ye have no life. in Toil. Donot your own facrilegious Popes and Clergy expound this of fomething elfe than the ucharilL? when they deny the Cup to the People ? If"it