Baxter - BX1763 B28

(49 )- be that 'vine Confecrated that is here meant, what bloody wretches are you todamn all your Peoples Souls, by denying them all that Blood of Chrifr, without drink- ing which they hàiHe no life? But its certain by r Cor.r5. that Chrifr lìath not Fleíh an -:L_ ott in Heaven, and theref)re it is not chi itch -pis here meant ; but the true ièri': of Aa`i,i is, that as theSìcrifices are eaten by by they are offered fo his Flefh an.: Blood .,i`kred on ht; Crois is the true Sacrifice for Sia, which m iii be eaten iE _ . `s Commemorative Reprefentation orally in the Sacrement, and really in it íi;lf by Faith, that the bew;ïcs of that crifice maybe ours. And who Both not adore that whom we thus eat and live upon ? This is the iuin of all that the Fathers fay. But let the Reader judge of Au /Yin's mind by plainer words, De Doer. Chrift. cap. 7. [ Lot no Man look to what they are ( mentioning the Bread and LVTIV ) bid to r'hat theyfgnifae : For our Lord was pleated to fay, This is my Body when hegave the rgn of his Body.] And Cont. Max. 1. 3. cap. 22. [we note in the Sacra- meats, a of whet they are, but what they /lbw : For they are ft7ns, whichare one thing, and 1iinifie anot!er.] And Epifl. 2 3. ad $enif. [.1f sacraments had not (once likenef (or relèmblance) to thofe things whereof they are Sacraments, they Sacraments at all. From this likenefs (or refemblance) they Often take the names of what they reprefent: Therefore as the Sacrament of Chr:ft's Body is rn tume fort his Body, fó the Sacrament of Faith is Faith alfo.] Youneedno more than this of Auflin to Interpret other Fathers, that call theSacrament Chrif'sBody. II. His next is Ambrofe,who faith that[That when Con- G 2 ,Eecï°ation