Baxter - BX1763 B28

5 or) fearation heath' Ieenmade of Bread, it is made the FIefh of Chrifl] and [ Chrifl makes this Sacrament] and [ the Bod ^f of Chrifl zv,zs not before Confecration, but after, &c.] Anfw. I. All this thePresbyterians {ay. Even as we fay, It is not a Law till the King give the 'fiat, or it is not his Coin till. his Authority and Stamp ío make it 5 And are . they therefore of your mind? 2. Ambrofe exprefly ex- pounds his negation of ordinary Bread ; no doubt it isnot ordinary Bread. 3. You would deceive theReader by hiding Ambrofe, who faith there, de Sacra% I. 4. c. 4. [ 7his we 461, how that which is Bread (mark that ), can Tet be the Body of Chrifi ___- [And ifChrifi's speech hadfo much that it made that to begin to be which W s not ; how much more is it operative that the things that were,both .Be, and be chanted intofornethingelfe -- ] And [As thou haft drunk the fimilitude of Death, fo thoudrinkefl the fi- militude of precious Blood.] So Ambrofe, and fo the .Pro tefrants. III. His next isierome ; out of many Volumns he, bath gathered thusmuch, that Priefts [make the Body of Cbrif with their facred Mouth and Prayers.] An/hi. And any Proteftant will fay the like He that faith ['This is the Body of chrifi ] that is, Sacramentally, will fay that, under Chrift, his Minifter maketh it fuch. And is this the Tradition? 2.. Let Hicrome. (peak for himfelf, Contr. vin. i. 2.; [The Lord as a rype (or Figure) ofhis Blood, ogerednot water, but wine.] Are not thefe words plain, till the Pope expound them? IV. His next is eyprian,de Cæna .Dom. And, i. Let the Reader note, that even Bellarrnine de fcript. Eccl. in Cy- prian faith, that the Book which this Man citeth as St. Cyprians, [.was neither cyprians, nor anyLearnedmans and