Baxter - BX1763 B28

(st) and had neither words nor sentences worthy a Learned Man, hut foolafli and ridicu.'ow Narations, andFables.] 2. The words citedout of it are '[Danis ifie rem Do- minw difcipults porrigebat, non of îgie fednatura rnutatus, omnipotentia .verbifadws efl Caro] But by [Natural the Author plainly meaneth [the Relative Nature] and not the Subflance. And it was not for nothing that Bellar- rnine contemneth him, who ever he was ; for he is down- right againft Traniûbfrantiation. cap z. He maketh the difference between this and common Meat tobe, that, Corporalis fuh lanti.e retinens fpecier, fedzirtutis divine invibili efficientia probans ad cffe pr,efentiam : It is but the pretence of Divine Virtue that he affirms to be with the species Of corporeal fu. bflance. And plainer, cap. 3. [when the Lord had faid, Do this in my remembrance, This is my Body,and this my Blood] as oft as by thefe words and thisfaith it is done, that frperfobflantial Bread and cup, by folernn biding hallowed, profiteth to the life and health ofthe whole Man ; being both a Medicine and a sa- crifice, to heal our infirmities andpurge our iniquities. And chewing the difference between the Common part of Chrifr's laff Supper, and this Spiritual Food, he addeth, that, [when the perfdeou's mindofJudas touched this holy Meat, and theJantlifled Breadentredhis wicked Mouth, 6.c.] So that he calleth it fanaifiedBread after the Con fècration. And cap.-- tellingwhyChriff calleth the fame both,B!ood,Fle /h, andhis Body,he faith,[Panis cg efca,&c. Bread is Meat, Blood is Life, Flefb is Sub,tance,, his Body the Church. And cap.. 4. This Sacrament Chrift calleth fometime his Body, foynetime Flefh and B.'ood, fometime Bread; a Portion of Life eternally, which he Communi- cateth according to thefe vifible things to corporal Nature, chat