Vat common Breadbeing turnedinto Flefh andBlood, pro- cureth Life and increafe to bodies ( that is, our common Concotion turneth common Bread into our F.'e/h and Blood ;) Therefore the Infirmity ofour Faith being helped by the afoal effect of things, ly a Jenfble Argument is taught, that the effect of Life eternal is in Vifble Sacra- ments ; and that we are united to drift, non tam-Corpora- liquam fjbirituali tranftione,notfo much by a Corporal xa by Spiritual Tranfition. And cap. 6. His Conjunction and ours neither wingle th. Perfon, nor uniteth Subfances ; but Confociateth Affections, and Confederateth And the fame Author, or another, in Clprian's Works, de Zlnc`tione Chsyfm. cap. 7, Saith [ Our Lord at the Table where he lagfeafled with his Difiples, gave them with hic own hands, Bread andwine ; but on the Crofs hegave his Body to be woundedby the hands of Souldiers, that thefin - cere truth, and true fincerity, fecretly imprinted in the Apof les, might expound to the Nations how the Wine and -Bread w& FleJh andBlood ; and by what Reajons the -C u- fes agreed to the Eje/ts, and divers Names and Species were reduced to one Efence ; and the Things fa"gni,yying, and the thingsfl;nifled were calledby thefame !Vames, (or ,known by the fame Words ) By thefe Rriviledges offu- ,pernatural Grace, by the eating of fa, /ii ied Bread, being ,refre/hed, wa/hed, and anointed, &c.] Reader, here you feewhat Tradition faith. Next out ofCyprian de Lapfs, he citethwords againfl them, that [with defiled hands and mouths receive the Body, and drink the Blood of the Lord.] Words which Proteflants have more frequently than cyprian 5 and are they on your fdetoo ? But, fhali, Cyprian have leave to fpeak indeed ? Ebif adMagi, cap. 4 [ when our Lord calleth his Body Bread, con-