(54) Anfw. r. The famewe all fay, even when we Admi- niffer the Sacrament : See che like in the EnglifhLitur- gy, and the Directory : Are we therefore for Tranfub- ftantiation ? z. It is the Reprefentatite bodyofthrill, and not real flefh and blood : For he faith, that he that Bat- eth hisflel`ii, anddrinketh his blood, path eternal life ; and elwelleth in Christ', andChrifl in him, john 6. 54, 56. But the wicked,that eat the body of Chrif--Reprefentative, have not eternal life, nor dwell in Chriff. Another citation fromTertull,an is lib.de Idololat.' [To touch the body of our Lord with tdofe hands whichgive bo- dies to Devils, &c.] Anfv. Here is no more than we commonly fay : This Man lure would prove that the Liturgy and Diretory are both for his opinion. Is this the Proof of Univerfal Tradition ? Reader, Tertullian calls it The body of Chriji, and fo do we. Will you hear him fpeaking his own Senfe, which this Man concealeth ? Cont. Marcion,1..3.c. 19. [Sic enimDeus in Evangelio quoq; vefro revelavit, panem corpus faun) appellant, ut 6. hint jam eum intelligas corporis fui ftgur,im pani dediffc, cups retro corpus in panem Prophetes figuravit, ipfo Domino hic facramentum poftea interpretaturo.] That is [ For f God even in your Gofjrel revealed, calling bread his born, that f o hence you may underftand, that hegave to bread the figure ofhis body 5 whore body the Prophet formerly figured into tread, the Lord himfe f being afterward to interpret this Sacrament.] Here-it is oft called bread, and this bread is called Chriff's body, and the figure ofthe body given tobread it felf, as was prefigured by the Prophets before Chriff had a body. AndCont. Marc, 1.1. 14. [ Nec panem (repra5avit) qua