(55) quo ¡gum corpus ruum reprefentut,] Elie reprobated not bread, by which he repreTented his ownvery body.J Pdme- lius bathno fhift, but to fay, that by reprefenting he mean- eth making pretext, fuch deceit will seem to prove to them Tiniverfal Tradition : And he citeth many other places, as for him, out ofTertullian, whichhave nomore but his naming theSacrament Chrifi's body andblood,as we all do. Cont. Marc.1.4. c. 4o. He is yet plainer, faying [The bread which he tookand difiributed tohis Diféiple, that he made his body, faying, This is mybody; that is, the Fi GURE ofmy body: But it had not been the Pigure.ofit, if he had not hada t3^ue Body. For an empty thing which is aphan- tafm, can have no Figlere ; or if he therefore feigned (or made l brje to be Lis body, becaufe he wanted (or had not) a true body, then.it was bread that he mutt deliver upfor us: it made for Marcion's Vanity that bread jhould be Crucified. ( All this is to prove againff Marcion that Chrift had a true body.) But why loth he call bread his body, and not a Pumpion, which Marcion hath inffeadof a heart , not underflanding that this was the old figure of ChriFt's body, (N. B. had Chrift .fleíh then ?) who raid by Jeremy [ They -have devifed a Device againft me, faying, Come, let us cafi wood upon his. bread; that is, the crofs upon-his body fo alfo making his Teflament in the men- tion ofthe ,Cup, &c. And that you may know the old figure ofhis blood inwine, Efaias faith, &c. fo now he confecra- ted his blood in wine, who then figured wine in blood.] Let any thing but ignorance and impudence judge, whether here benot over and over, bread and wine after Cònfecration, being the reprefentative and figiïrative bo. ely and blood of Chrift, or reprefenting and figuring them fullier, as theProphets had partly, or darkly done before, H But