Rftt nothing will . convince fome that rage, and are confident. I repeat Tertullian reproof of the denyers of the certainty, ofSenfe,Lib de Annim. c.17. [Therefore ifCam- res are freedfrom the infamy ( of fallacy ) howmuch more Senfe, ,which' caufes freelygo lefore, &c. what deft thou precocious Accademick? Thom overturnelt the whole State of Life. thou troublefi the whole Order of Nature ; thou linclefl the Providence of Godhimfelf, as if he hadmade deceitful and lying Senfes the Lords of all his works they are to be known, inhabited, difperfed, and enjeyed.--- It is not lawful for us to call thole fenres intodoutt, left in ChriFt we deliberate of the belief of them; Left perhaps it be raid that hefalgy faro Satan cog down fromHeaven, or fa4/yheardhis Fathers Voice tellifying ofhim ; or mu de- ceivedwhen he touched Peter's Mother-in-Law;or afterfelt fame other Spirit of the Oyntment, which he received as to his Burial; and fame other relit!) of the wine which he CONSECRATED for the MEMORIAL ( or to be the Me morial ) of his hlood.] So much for rertullian. VI. He next citeth Chryfollorne, laying that Chrift [makes us his Body, not only in belief; but in very deed; and that we eat and touch his Body.] Agri). And doth he not fee how in citing thefe, he confuteth himfelf. r. Chriff doth really make Us his Body ; that is, his Po- litical and Miffical Body: But is it we that this Man would prove Tranfubffantiate into Chrift's Body ? I thought ithad been theBread, and not Us'. 2. Ifwe touch chrifi's Body it muff be his Reprefento- tive Body ; for the Papifls hold that we touch not the real .FlelhandBloodofChrift, but onlycertainAccidents, which now are not the Accidents of Chriff's Body, nor of any other Subliance.