(57 It would be tedious to cite out of Chryfoflome all that makes againfl them. Let there plain words ferve to notifie his mind [ Epifl. ad Cejar. The Bread is made wor- thy to be honoured with the 2vame of the Fle/h of Chrift,by the Friefl's Confecration ; yet the Flern retains theproper- ties of its incorruptibleNature, as the Bread Both its Na- tural Subftance. Before the Bread is fan[tified we call it Bread ; but when it is Confecrated by the Divine Grace, it deferveth to be called the Lords Body, though the Sub./lance of the Bread(till remaineth.] Reader, This is the Traditionof theChurch. As to force Mens Cavil, that this Epiftle is Spurious, it is fully confuted by Learned Men from fuflici.ent Tefimony. VII. The next cited is a word that feemeth, in found, tobe for them, in Cyril (or force think John) of Peru fale'ms Catechifme. Read the words Tranflated by him- felf; It is that Sentence which above all in the Ancients they molt boafl of, [viz. Do not look on it as bare bre.,d,and bare wine ; for it is the body and blood of Chrift : -- For though thy Senfe fuggeft this to thee, yet let Faith confirm thee : Do not judge of the thing by the tafte, but rather from Faith holdfor certain, fo that thou haft no doubt that the body andbloodare given thee ; knowing and accounting for certain, that this breadwhich is feen by us, is not bread, though our tafte judge it to be bread; but that it is the body of Chrift : And the wine which is feen by us is not wine, but the blood of Chrifi.] Anfi. Here I defire the Reader to note, i. That this one Sentence is all that hath any words thatfound likehis Sentence (that there is no truebread and wine) of all that he bringeth to proveUniverfalTradition. 2. That this Book called Cyrit's Cat. Myflagog. is queftioned. 3. That H2 the