Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 59) Anfw. I. There is not one word in 'ein Martyr here that we do not own, and fay ; ( nor do we defire to worship God by any other Liturgy, or Order of Worship, than that which he defcribeth as then the Practice of the Chriftian Church. O that we might all unite in that deCcribed Order z. And ifany may be yet unfatisfied what Tradition faith, hear 7uftin farther, A ol. 2. ( Truly the frft [ when the Preìdent bath g,iven thanks, and all the People acclaimed, thole that widus are called Deacons, diftri'ute to every one prefont BREAD and WINE and water, and bring them to thole that are abfent.] It is bread and wine whendifiributed. And Dial. Cum Trvph. [The Offeringof Flower deli- vered to be offered for them that were cleanfed of the Le- profie, was a Type of the BREAD of the Eucharifl, which our Lord fefus Chrif commanded us to make in remem- brance of his Peon.' Thus you fee towhat his boaff of Univerfal Tradition is come. Read but palm de Cultu Latinorum, and you will fee that thereUniverfal Traditionwas againft them. The forefaid Author of the Dialogue, called, [Full and cafe fatisfac`tion which is the true Religion,] to thefe fore- mentioned addeth more, whichyou may read,pag. I4©, &c. viz. Irenous laying, [For es the bread which is of the Earth, receiving the Divine Invocation, is not now common bread, but the Eucharift, confrting of two things, the Terrene and the Cceleflial, &.c. Lib. 4. c. 34. Orion in Mat. 25. calling it [Bread, anda typical and fymbolical body, whichprofteth none but the worthy Recei- vers, and that according to the proportion of their Faith ; which no wicked man eateth, &c. Eufeb.