so ) Eufeb. Cæfar. Demoní r. Evang.1. 1.c. io. CCelebra- ring duly the Memorial of the body and blood of Chrill._ Seeing we receive the Memorial of this sacrifice, tobe per. fetedon the Table, by the symbols of his body andmof pre. tious bloodLib.S. He deliveredus to ufe bread tu theSym- bol of hisown body. Ephr. (in Biblioth Photii, p. 415. Ed. Auguí .) The body of Chrifi which Believers receive, lofeth not his fenfi_ Lie fubfiance, and is not feparated from the intelligible grace. And ad cos qui pi Dei, d-c. [Take notice diligently, how taking bread in his hands he blef ed it, and brake it, for a F i G u R E of his immaculate Body ; and he ble fed the Cup, and gave it to his Difciples, as a Figure of his pretious blood. Theodoret in Dialog. de Immutab. againff an Eutychian, who pleaded, that Bread in the Eucharift was turned in- to Chrifts Body, faith, [The Lord who called that meat and bread, which naturally was his body, and who again called himfelf a Vine, didhonour the Viflhle Signs with the Names ofhis Body andBlood ; not having changed their Nature, but addedGrace to Nature.] . Can anyProteftant (peak plainer than this ? And Dial. 2. [The Divine Myfteries are signs of the trie Body. And further, anfwering theEutychian, he faith, [By the Net which thou haft made art thou taken : For even after the Confecration the myflical signs change not their Na- ture, for they remain in all their fzrft SUBSTANCE, Figure, and Form, and are vifiole, and to be handled as before.] This is not plain enough for aPapift. Nor Gela/1us cont. Neftor. & Eutych. [Verily the Sacra- ment of the body and blood of Chrift which we take is a Divine