Divine thing, for which and by which we are rasade parte= kers of the Divine Nature ; and yet it ceafeth ,sot to be the SUBSTANCE and NATURE of bread and wine : And certainly the imageandfimilitude of the Body and Blood of Chrift are celebrated in the action of the My- fleries.] Odark iayings ! [ Cyril,Alex. in john 4. c. 14. [Hegave to his believing Dif ipies fragments of bread, Paying, Take, eat, this is my body.] Facundus is there cited as from Aolinæus (1. g. c. 404. though I have not the Author) Paying [we call that the body and bloodof Chrill, which is the Sacrament of his body in the Confecrated bread and cup. Not that the bread is properly his body, and the cup his blood, but becax% theycontain the Myflery of his body andblood.] To there I might add plain Teilimoniesout of moft of theAncients, who write on this fubjed : Such, e.g. as thefe words of Gregor. Ny(fen Orat. de Baptif. As the Al tarnatúrally is but common Stone, but being confecrated be cometh a holy Table, an unfpotted Altar; fo the bread of the Awbarifi is -atfzr/t ordinary, but beingmnyfierioufly facrificed, it is, and is called, The body of cbrifi; and is e4e1u1l to great things : And as the Prieft, who was yeflerday a Lay-man, by theMeng of Ordination is made AT eacher of Godlinefs, and a Steward of the Myfleries, and though not changedin body orfhape, yet is changed and made better asto his foul, by an invifible power and grace ; fo alfa by the fame confequence water, being nothing but water of it felf, yet bleu by the heavenly grace, reneweth 'man by working in him the fpiritual regeneration. Is Stone in the Altar, or the Prieft ordained, or water ïn Baptifm tranfubfantiated ? If charles theGreat was a Heretick,-the Pope is great.