Baxter - BX1763 B28

(62 ) 1y beholden to a Heretick. In his Epi[f. to Alcuniùs he faith, [Ckrift at his Supper did break the Bread to his Dif= ciples, and likewife gave them the Cup, in Figure of his body and blood; and fo left to us thisgreat Sacramentfor our benefit.] This was his Tradition. Amalarius Proef. de Offic. Ecclef. [t amBayed in all that Iwrite by the judgment of holy men and godly Fa- thers ; yet what I judge my felf I fpeak : Thofe things which are done in the celebration of Divine Service, are done in the Sacrament of the Palon of oar Lord, X25 he himrelf commanded. Therefore the Friel- c #erinh the bread with the wine and water in the Sacrament, Both it in the HeadofChrift ; and the breadand wine and water in the Sacrament reprefont the fleflz and blood of Chrifl. For Sa- craments are fomewhatto refemble thofe things whereof they are Sacraments, let the Prie be like to Chrift, as the bread and liquors are like the body and blood of Chrifl.] [The. Sacrament of the-body of Chrift is inforcemanner the body of -Chrift: For Sacraments (bould not be S cra- ments, ifin force things they hadnot the likenefs of that whereof they areSacraments. Now by reafon ofthis mu- tual likenefs, they are often calledby that which they repre- fenf, -- Sacraments have the virtùè to bring us to thofe things; ofwhich they are Sacraments.] Walafridus Strabo de reb. Eccl. cap. i 6., faith, [chrift gave to his.Difciples the Sacrament of his body and blood in the fub,fiance ofbread andwine.] $°rnard an. z z zo. Serm. de Purifc. Mar. faith, [The Boy of Chrift in the Sacrament is thefoodof the Soul, not of the Belly therefore we eat him not corporally, but in the manner that Chrift is meat, in that fame manner we underJtand that he is eaten, And Seren, de S. Martin. The