(63) The fame Flefh is given us to this day, but Spiritr'ally not Corporally.] To conclude, If the words This is my Body are to be taken literally, then fo are the refl. ; C This Cup is the New Te/lament in my Blood.) - And then the Cup is Tranfubffantiated into theNewTeftament. And he that at once doth believe that Chrift hath a Glorified Spiritual Body , that Flefh and Blood doth not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven , that theBread and Wine ceafe to be Breadandwine, and are turned fubffan- tially into the veryFlejh andBloodof Chriff, and yet that the Pope and his Clergy are not Enemies ofChrift and Souls, who deny this Blood to thePeople, and give them but a half Chrift and a half Sacrifice, when he is praifed by all Saints for wafhing them from their fins inhis Blood ; this Man and his Leaders Teem to be Educated in fuch an Academy, as Feflus thought Paul had been, and to be made by Satan the Stumbling-block of the unbelieving World, toperfwade them to laugh at Chriftianity as we do at the Fopperies of Mahomet's Alcoran ; and to make all the Nations ofHeathens and Infidels believe that they cannot be Chriftians, unlefs they will be mad and fenfe- lefs too : While Senfes, Reafon, Scripture, the Hiftory ofthe Church, andWritings of theAncients,the Traditi- on and Judgement ofthe far greatefrpart ofthe Church, together with Charity, Humanity, and Peace, are all denyedin obedience to one Man, that, becaufe one Prince andhisClergymadehim the firffBifhop in hisEmpire and Councils, feigneth himfelf to be the Univerfal Monarch of the World ; and undertaketh an Apofflefhip and Go- vernment at theAntipodes ( when his zealoufeff Bithops formerly fomeofthem thought therewas no fuchplace; ) and obligeth himfelf to the care of Souls farther than I Drake