(64) Trake and candiJh Sailed, even in abundance of un- known Lands ; and (as his Agents coddled to the . haf fines) wherehis Mifiioners have no accefs. The Barn of all the Hiftoryof this Matter is, TheFa- thers called it as we do, fometime Chrift's Body, and fometim,e theFiore, or reprefentation .of his Body, and oftenBread : And from the Name, in the darkAge, the Thing grew controvated, and France was the chiefSeat of the Contention : Bellarmine himfelf faith,that an. 8 ao. [Pafchafius Ratbertus,an Abbot, Was thefirf Man that fe- riougy and copiou/ly wrote ofthe truth ofthe Body andBlood of the Lord in the EùchariJl againJl, Bertrayn,J who he thinks was one of the firif that Wrote againft it. Bell. de fcript. Eccl.7ohan.Parifaenfis and the Sorboniftsconcluded that neither Opinionwas de fide: But the Pope chanced to be on the other, and the Council of Trent hath now made it de fide. Z. Whether the Sorbonifts knew not that Tradition whichParents teach theirChildren ? nor any of thole that were againft Ratbertris? But the Difcourfer pretendeth in the end to Anfwer Oblations : But he flrft made them himfelf fo thin, that hemight not defpair ofPaying fomething, which a Man deep inhisCups, or one that is little ufed to the Exercife of. his Brain, might poffibly take for a Rational Anfwer. But :iftheReader be a Man that will be at fo much pains tu efcape delufion, as to Read over the Arguments againft Tranfubtfantiation in the forementioned ( little) Book ofR. B. and then try whether he can here find themAnfwered ; I may conjeture that hewill not boat of the Difeourfer's" performances. He begins the Oblationwith a [ vhy Both not this marvelous change appear to our senfes, as well a other mgrvelotos works a/s the water totted into wine, &c.) cons:_