C(5) I confers it is ítrangeVeil) andBlood, that.no' ameLass perceive : But afpiritual Body may be out of thepercepti- on of our Senfe. But did not the Dilcourfer know, that it is another kindof Objetion that we make ? Not [why cloth not God thew us the Miracle to our Senfe?] but [whe- ther God deceive all our senfes and Intellect, which there perceiveBreadand wine, when there is none ? ] It is not, whether Senfe perceive Chrift? but, [whether Senfe per- ceive Bread and wine?] It is not, whether Senfe do pri- vatively not perceive ; but, whether it here pofitiveyerre, and the firft Intellective perception of the fenfate Object be an Errour ? But under the Coats of this firít part, he brings in a little of the true Objedion at laft, [" It wouldfollow, that " we an° .ht call in queflion the whole Myjtery of Chriflia- "nity, ac.] His Anfwer to all is, By a diflint?ion of Miracles ; fame are to convince Unbelievers ; forne to fanélife and gave Believers : And thefe are not to be the objeó of our Senl'es. He inftanceth inBaptifm, by which, fa an outward and vifble Sign, is wrought an invifible Grace in the Soul 4),f the baptized.; though view the Child as much es you will, you can by none ofyour senfes perceive any rrautation wrought. Anfw. As your 7ranfubflantiation feemeth deviled to make Indels, fo doth your Do6rine of Baptifm feem made to make Anabap.tifts. Is it by a Miracle that Bap- tifm giveth Grace to the Adult, or not ? If not, will not Men rather turnAnabaptiíts, than, believe that Infants can have no Grace by Bapti m, but by Miracle ; when i that Sacrament was nrtituteä to give Grace to the Adult without a Miracle , and Scripture mentioneth no filch difference ofthe Eieds ? But if it be by Miracle to the 12 Adult,