(66) Adult, is it not altoby Miracle, that Men receive Grace by Reading, Preaching, or other means ?, You'll never prove one a Miracle, and not the other. Andbefore_we come to the Difpute between the Jefuites andTome, Fry ars, the Arminians againfF fome CalviniIs, Whether all Grace ii fu fed be a Miracle, we. muff. bellow more time to agree of the definition of a Miracle, than is congru- ous to our preterit bufinefs. Overdoing is undoing They that will make Men believe, that all Grace and Chriftianity is a Miracle, I doubt, do but drive men from the belief of all. But this Difcourf'er tells us, that you fee no change on a Child. An fm. And is all a Miracle that is unfeen ? Is God a Miracle ? Are' Angels and all Spirits Miracles ? Is the Soul of a Mani or of a Beall, or the Life of a Plant a Miracle,becaufeunfeen? Then all Gracehowever wrought is a Miracle yea, and every thought of a mans heart both good and evil. Is all a Miracle that is done by God alone, without fe- cond Caufes ? Then his moving the firft created Motor; were a Miracle. And yet who can fay, that no fecond Caufc is ufed in the conveyance of Grace ? But if you could prove that Word and_Sacraments work Grace by miracle, youwould make us lets wonder that it is no more common : And here the Priefi cannot do this Miracle when he will, for it muff be on a difpofèd Subject: But your Priefis can make Bread to benoBread, by miracle, when they will. But S. Paul faith, Are all works ofmiracles? But howmuch greater Miracles your Priefis are feigned to work, than the railing ofLazarus,. or any fuch like ; and how your feigned Miracles are confuted, is chewed fullyby the forefaid Author. But the QueIion, whether the Sacrament work by, mixaclea,.