Baxter - BX1763 B28

(67 ) miracle, is one ; and that, whether it be it /eye/ miracle, is another.Gods workings are fecret to us,as the wind whole courfe we cannot defcribe, oh.3.But is theSacrament it fell a Miracle ? The Word is not fo : Baptifm is not fo : You feign not your Confirmation to be fo : (though Cyril a- forefáid make the change of the Breadand of the oyl to be alike.) And is only this one Ordinance a Miracle? But if it were, what's that to the pofitive deceptionof all our Senfes ? He tells us of the Hypoffatical Union, anrwered be- fore : What Senfes are deceived by that ? Doth Senfe judge that Chriff was not God? Or that there is noTri-, nity ? Or that a Virgin may not conceive ? Not at all Senfe neither tells us that it is fo, or that it is.not. There- fore. to tell us of things hidden from senfe, is impertinent. All the fpiritual and nobleff parts of Natureare out of the reach of our bodilySenfes But Senfe is our only firft perceiver of all its ownpropevObjets, and the Intelleéts frff perception of them, -- is-only as they are fenfite. But the only :.pertinent Anfwer given, is, [we may al- way trial our senfes about their own Objecls, and in due tircumfantes, and when we have not pofitive grounds to think, >. either God Almighty by himPelf, or by an Angel, or permiffively by a Devil, reprefents things otherwife than they are:] ,Anfw. When things are reprefentedotherwife than they are, it is either in other fenfible qualities than they have, orelfe fomething elfe is under thofe qualities, than what they naturally lignifie ; or elfe it-is by altering the Senfe, Organ, or Medium. The firft is a meer contradi&ion Tomake an Objet to be what it was not, is ufual ; but to make it at the fame inffant to be what it is not, is a con- tradition. Therefore by reprefenting you cannot ratio rally