Baxter - BX1763 B28

(1G) ofallthe Churches, may err inmatters of Faith, or spa= flatize,andonly the-Pope ofRome and his Councilcannot :] What Proof, or wholeTraditionBoth this reíi upon ? . O. 9. Do not Bellarrnine, Coflerus, and many ofyour Writers profefs that the Scriptures contain all things ordinarily neceffary to Salvation ? Yea many Writers, that the Creed bath all that is abfolutely to be believed ? Yea fome, that it hath more than all ? Yea abundance ( Cited by Fr. a sanl`a Clara) that theBelief in Chrift is not neceffary to all ? And will you fay then, that he that believeth Explicïtely the whole Bible cannot be faved without believing alfoyour pretended Traditions ? io. Anddoyou not hereby, inftead ofthe light bur- den and eafie yoak of ChriR, and his commands which are not grievous, bring Chriftians under a harder yoak than that which the7ews were not able tobear ? When it feemed good to the Holy Ghoft in the Apottles to impofe but a few and neceffary things, Aq. 15. 28. And how large a Law is all theBible, and all your Coun- cils Decrees, and Oral Traditions, fet together ? Do all your Priefts themfelves, or one of an hundred, under- ftand them all, or knowwhat they are ? While you pretend aNeceflìty of your nume- rous Ceremonies, (as Fafting on Frydays, and fuch other named by you,) do.you_not lay a fnare of perpetual Di- vifion in the Churches ? and do you not make as many inconfiftent Churches, as there be Societies of Chriftians that differ (and Rill will differ) about anyof thofe Tra- ditions or Ceremonies ? 12. And doyou not lay open your own Church, to the accufation of innovation, mutability, and corrupti- on, when it is not tobedenyed, but in fuch things as thofe theyhavebeen mutable or innovated? Have you not