Baxter - BX1763 B28

(68) nally mean this ; e. g. To reprefent a rough thing as fmooth, a little thing as great, a white thing as black, by real alterations of thole qualities making them to be fo. But to make them feem fo, when really they are not fo, muff be by the failing of the Medium, Organ, Senfe, Phantaîe, or Intelleel, I. And for the Medium, no doubt but God can fo al- ter it eafily, as to deceive all mens Senfes : And in our prefent cafe, where all the five Senfes of all the found men in the World, that try, are pretended to be deceiv- ed,' God is able to do it, byaltering the Medium of eve- ry senre that hatha Medium :.(For whether taus have any diiind from the Organ is undetermined.) 2. And the fame is to be laid of the Organ, senfc, Phantafie, and Intellect Quoad potentiam, no doubt but that God thatcanannihilate them candeprave themwhen he pleafe, and make a man fenfelefs, deceived, doting, melancholy, or mad ; either privatively, by withholding his neceffary natural aids ; or pofitively, byovercoming contraries. But the Queftion is not, Whether God cando this per potcnti:zm ; but, Whether he will do it, or can will to do it in filch cafeas ours, in confìftencewith his Governing wifdom and Goodnefs, and that Truth and Conflancywhich he manifefteth in the Government of the World. That he may and doth penally make men fenfelefs, mad, and dead, we doubt not ; and that thofe that would not re- ceive the love of the Truth, that they might bePaved, may permiflìvely be givenup to ftrong delufions to be- lieve a Lye That all they might be damned that believed -not the truth, bat hadpleafure lr anrirh eoufnefs, 2 Thef. 2. I"'I , 12.. But