Baxter - BX1763 B28

(69 ) But that God doth thus (not penally, but as a 41e, ,á and not upon mens forfaking him and his Truth, but while he is communicating .Hinafei and his Truth to them, and to make a Deceit or Lye the ordinary Means of Trratband Holinefs, and that he fhoulddo thisordinarily as the Govornour, Benefác7or, andSaviour ofMankind, and fomake Falfiood (not of his permitting; btït of his ovari gelling) to be the ordinary wayof (a ,'iná me all this is contradition ; contrary to his Will revealed in Nature and scripture, and contrary to his Perfection, who need- ed not to Govern the Worldby Deceit or Lyes, as want- ing neither Power, Yvifdom, or Goodefs to dootherwile. Grace confif}eth in the illumination of the M'nd, which revealethTruth, and not in the Errour or Deception of theMind, bydeceiving theSenfes. Gods Works of Na- ture difcerned or perceived by our Natural Senfe and Phantafie, and fo by Natural Apprehenfion of the Intel- lest, are his firfi way of Revelation, in which he is mote clear and confiant. And we are Men and Animals be- fore we are Believers, and Faith is grafted into the Stock of Nature, and rec7fleth, illuminateth, elevateth, per= fec`1eth it, but doth not defiroy it, deprave it, deceive men, and make themmad or fenfelefs. But you tell us of manyexcepted Cafes, in whichGod may deceive our Senfes, or we maynot trait them : No doubt; we may never truft them for that whichbelongs not to them, but is beyond them, (as to knowwhether God can allume Flefh, whether he can impregnate a Vir- gin 5 whether therebe 'Trinity inUnity: There be many things that Senfe is no judge of, one way or other. But when there is an objea near rte, duly fcituate, which Senfe was made to perceive, (as a quantitative, fapid odoriferous, &c. fab/lancc) and there is no natural ;defer'