(ro) in Medium, Organ, Senfe, Phantafie, or Natural IntelIe&t, to ..tell us of fuch excepted Cafes, is, i. To deface or slander the Providence of God, who Governeth by truth and order : 2. To make Mercy to confff in the fùbverli- on of Nature, and Penal AUs to be gracious. 3. To leave man utterly uncertain ofevery Article of Faith, yea , to bring in Scepticifm , and Ieave us no cer- tainty in the world. For if God may and do, in fö many Cafes as you name, deceive all theSenfes andPerceptions of all men, even his faithfulleff Servants in theWorld, by Himfetf, by Angels, by Devils permitted, how fall anyman knowwhen he dothotherwise ? You fay, 'till we have pofitive grounds to think theft.] 'But, ifGod can do thus, how can you tell that he doth it not without tell- ing us, or giving us pofitive grounds? And who know- eth what thole pofitive grounds are ? Or that ever he read or heard a word, or íá.w a thing which you may call a ground ? For if youknow not firf that the perception of Senfe, and things:enfate :. is true, you know not that ever you heard any thing to fufpend your belief of them: Or that what you hear is true. And howwill you prove againfh the Infidels, that ..Godcannot Lye, or deceiveus by a Prophet, an Angel, or a Voice from Heaven, or a Writing,. if he can and do daily deceive all our Senfes, about fuch Obje&s as they are made toperceive ? And what a War do you raise againft the life of Faith, as if it had not difficulties enough without fuch ? If you should let .á Candle before.Iafidels or doubtingperfons, and fay, [rf this. be Light, the .Gof pel is falfe,, would you: be a Preacher of Chrift or Satan ? And ifyou fet the Confecrated Bread and wine before them, and fay, [see them,,finef/,y tafte, feel them; .if be Bread and wine the Gofpel is falfe 53 would younot be the Preachers of ZCñPlittr ? But