Baxter - BX1763 B28

(7') But I muff confider, that fo much being, laid already in the forefaid Dialogue, which you give no Anfwer to, i muff rather fray till that be anfwered, than repeat it here. But, at the leaft, you fatisfie us, whenyou grant, that we muß troll' our Senfes 'till we havepofitsve grounds for thecontrary ; and to theCafe before us is this : You fay, [They that will be faved, muft believe that God in mercy to i lluminatemens minds, deceiveth all the found mens Sen- fès in the world (that try) about thofe things which natu- rally are the proper Ohjec`ls of Senfe, and duly qualified ; and they moil believe that there is no Breador wine,when d their Senfer prelent them as filch to the Intellea, which ne- ceffrily perceiveth them fuch fenfate ; and they muß believe, that togovern, illuminate, and fanëlifieus by fuch deceit, God enableth every Priel, how ignorant andwicked fever, to verefie all the Contradic7ions before opened, and to work, as oft, as he pleafeth, in every Mafs :above thirty Miracles, with many miraculous aggravations.] And the proof of all this is, r. That the fame Chrift that fàid [r am the Door, the true Vine, the Shepherd, a Sower, a Hu&bandman,the Bridegroom, and fpake ordinarily by Para- bles, and fail in this fame Sacrifice or Sacrament [This Cup is the New Teßament in my Blood ;3 and in all the fe. is to be underflood parabolically ; yet flying at the fame time [?'his is my Body] is to le underflood literally, though S. Paul over nd over call it Bread.] 2. And this Expofz- tion is Glelvered to us by the Roman Pope and his Clergie, and by fame Priej! s in the Ninth and TenthAges, when their own writers fay, that their.'Popes were Mongers not to be named, and the Ages were . for horrid Ignorance the jlranz`e of the Church {end after that, 1215. a General eon' onncil Deerreidit f r , which alf ó DYerreed the exterrnisaa; K tion.