tin; of all Chrifiians a/s iieret cks, that will believe man's Senfes herein,and theExcommaanication andDepotition ofall Temporal Lords, that will not exterminate all Jaach Subjecis, and the dijobliging their Vaffals from their Allegiance, and giving their Dominions t.. others : t'hi-'e yet the Judgment anJ Tradditiòn o; the far greatefl part of the Chriflian world i5 agsinl they, and the writings of the ancient Doors of the-Church ; and t. e Pope and his Clcrie dare not pretend to have received by Memory and Tradition an Expoftion of the .Bible, nor do give us any proof of their pretended `Tradition of this one . Text, that is con- fiderable, betides their own bare word, This is the true Cafe. TOSTSCk1TT. SInce the Writingof this, I firfl lawLarrogues French Dilcourfe, and therein the Citation of roh. Pari/i- enfis Opinion about Tranfubflantiation, and the Sor'to- nifls determination, that neither Opinionwas de fide, and determined : Anddid they not thenknowTradition ? Since that I have leen Bifhop Cou;irs's Hiflory of Tran- fubfantiation, which fo fully proveth the Nkvelty of it, as againif the Tradition and Judgment of the Church, and that by Fathers and many Councils, in all Ages till Innoc. , and even after Petrus Biefenlis, and sue h. ada- nen is (NA, rho firth name it) and Innoc. 3. who firft eil. b1iih ed it, few believed it in moff Countries, as their own Authors , Co ef$ that I xepe, ted that I had needieiiy ,rncdied