Baxter - BX1763 B28

(8) 2. Doyou believe that if the Roman: Bifhop or Chur- ches Revelation or Propofal wereneceffary to true Faith and to Salvation, that Chrift would never have told Men fo ? Nor any ofhis Apoffles have left it us on Re- cord ? When there were Herefies and Schifines fo wo- fully troubling the Churches as we find in Paul's Epiftles to the Cor. Gal. col. and in the Rev. 2. and 3 ch. fhould we never have found one word for this fpeedy way of decifion, to appeal to the Churchof Rome ? WouldPaul have rebuked them for frying, I am ofcephas, and made himbut a Minifter by whom they belie-,ed, without ever mentioning his Office and Dignity ? would he never have told the Church ofRome oftheir Mif}rii=fhip and Infalli- bility above the reft ? Would fo neceffary a Fundamental ofFaith have been fo much filenced ? 3. Did the Apoffles, Evangeliffs, or ancient Fathers, ufe to Convert Infidels byany filch-Method, and telling them that they mutt believe, firft the Infallibility of the BifhopofRome and his Clergie, and then believe the Gof- pel becaufehe faith it is true ? Had this been the old Me- thod, would there not have been more Books neceffary, and written, toprove this firft Fundamental ( the Infal- libility of the Roman Bi[hop and his Councils) than to have proved the Gofpel it Pelfdirealy ? Is it not a wonder that we should have fuch Volumes as Eufebius his Prseparatio b- Demonftratio Evangel. and fo manywritten by thofe before and after him, ,to prove the 64e/, and none of themhit on thisMethod, nor write at large tó make it good ? The Churches Authority and Unity, is ordinari- ly pleaded againf Herefies and schifmes, but who ever C©; -)erted in dels by the-Authority of the Papal Church, either proved or , afferted as the neceffary Medium of Faith ? f.= .. 4.Do