Baxter - BX1763 B28

C ) 4. Do you not confers that all other Churches rná erre betides theRoman? And their pleaof Tradition you account invalid : Your Book called [Confiderations on the Coruncil of Trent , by R. H.] p. 4o. fàith, [ " All Con- "ciliary Definitions arenot only Declarations and Tefxift_ `c cations Apofolical Traditions- as were left by them `c evident andconfácuous in all Chriflian Churches Planted " by thew ; but are many times Determinations ofPoints deducedfrom,andneceffary confequents to,fùchclear Tradi- " tionals, whether written or unwritten. 2. If the Acts "ofGeneral Councils were only finch Declarations ofApo- "flolical Tradition, yet it ispa lible that force particular "Church, may in time, depart from fuck a.Tradition en- " trufLd to them; el fe ho.o can anyChurch become Hereti- cal aóain/l anyrush Tradition ? ] Do, you not at this day accule the Greek Church, the Muscovites, theArmenians, the7acobites, Syrians, Cop- tics, Abanes, the Proteflants, &c. as having departed from, or corrupted thefire Tradition ? And how fmall a part ofthe liniverfality ofChriftiansare thePpills ? And ifthe greater part of Chriftians may fo forfake theApo- folical Tradition, why may notthePope of Rome and his Council ? How flail we be lure of their exemption from fuch danger ? You tell us over and over ofour re- òeiving this and that from our Fathers and Grand-Fa- thers ? And is that a certain Proof that it is Apoffolical ? Why is it not fo then with all thereít, the Abaines, the Armenians, &c. and the Majority of Chriftians ? But of this I have fpoken in the former Treadle. 5 . And there I havedefiredyou to tellus,whetheryour Grandfather, or his Priefl, was Infallible? If yea, how came he by it more than all thore Churches? If not, do you not deludeyour Relations, bydrawing them tobuild C 2 their