(24) verfal accept him, andwe fhall not be troubledwithhim: For how (hall they fignifie their acceptance? If in a General Council, you know how they ofconfance,Bafil, and Pifa, are reviled by the Pope and thofe that now go for your Church, for pretending to a power to depofe and chufè Popes ; and how Eugeni;M the fourth prevail- ed againfl fuch a Depofition. And if three Councils were not your Univerfal Church reprefentative, where shall we think to find it ? In fum, we have the Tradition of a Church as big three of the Roman for all our Religion ; and of all the Roman Curch it Pelf; betides the Confef ion of the Ene- mies of the Church, Pagans, Infidels, Mahometans, Jews, and Hereticks ; we have not one word that's part of our Religion, which your felves confefs not to be true: We believe that the Faith of the Univerf...l Church ¡ball never fail, nor the Gates of Hell prevail againf} . it : And fo you fee that we may far better tell how Infallibly we have received our Religion from our Forefathers, than you can do of yours : But we believe not that this Uni- verfal Church hath any Head but chrifl ; no Humane Vicarious Monarchor Governour ofall the World : We believe that Men mull Believe in Chrifl before they can know that the Pope is his Vicar, ifit hadbeen true : We know, as fure as Hiflorycan tell us, that thePope's firf Primacy, and the refl. of the Patriarchates were but the Humane Ordinances of the Clergieofone Empire, and not of thewholeChriflian World. And we know not ( nor you) but Rome and its Church andBithop, may yet all ceafe together. But you make me mofl admire at you, that (in this Book alfo) you tell your Relations, and,other Readers, of the uncertainty of notice by Books in Comparifon of Con-