Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 26 ). any of my Neighbours and ask :hire What he be- lieveth, have I any more than 2 tingle Doors opinion? Is his Anfwcr, the Faith ofyour Church ?, But would you have any one paft fever years old believeyou, that wri- ting is ofno more uie to Memory for confervation ofAn- tiquities ? when God wou..i not truí?c,iìis Ten commznd- rnents to thePeoples. Memcir;es, but would write there in Stone, and 'put them: in the Arke, ( which you have fo little skill in Antiquity as to av here was thefift Wri- ting : Sure ifyou will read your Je-uite Eafeh..Nirem- berçius 'de Antiqu, (criptúrx you will not (ay that your Grand-Father taught you truly that Opinion as the Tra- dition dfithe Church) Whydo you *rite to your o vrt Relations; if writing be íó un-intelligible? Could the Biblehave been kept as well in Memory as by writings?. Whywere theGofpels written then ? Do you go to Tra- d tion, or to Boas, todecide anyControc erfienow ofthe various readings ?' Did Pope Clew. 8. and sixtw 5. re form the'vilgar Litrne:by Memory or by Boos? Popo Pt's Trent :Oath fweareth Men to Interpret Scripture according to theçot.fent of theFathers_: Doany ofyour Dbetors,-kiiowi1 liow that is by ena°ory and OralnTr4 - tions or by. Boa's .Did P fezi.4e f and ;Amu Seaaen is, and filch others .>rr $Oohs by OralTrt.dition, or by Books ? Did Cele; `ire and the Carthage Council debate the Cafeof the .'Nicene Canon (anarrow Fnftance which Memory{ !Might. have fervcdfor p out_of Mens ,1[d`em19sies, or outof'wrri-4 asR°iords'? Why - lothTrrrrian bring, ,us out newForged Canons, "andwhy do the Copies o'f.ima- ny Councils differ in the recital ofCanons, if Memory and I_.niverfal un-vrittenf Tradition. can reconcile the dife mace'?' Was the Athenian =Philofopl y ;propagated sl preferved'better by Memory, orby'Books ? Why is not