Baxter - BX1763 B28

(28) was in the Creed from the days of the Apoftles Nor that [the Holy Catholick Church, the Communion of Saints,] and the other words mentioned in vofus, and Uflier de Symóolis, were in fo long : Nor that the Greeks added no words to their Creed at Nice, nor afterward at Con;tan- ttnople, in General Councils ; nor that all S. Hilaries outcry againff Creeds was in vain. Nor can Tradi- tion without Book yet affure us, what were the very words of the Creed ufed commonly by the Greeks, im- mediately before the Nicene Council ; nor who wrote that afcribed to Athana/ua : Nor among the various Formula's of that called the Apofiles, found, as afore- faid, in Ireneus, rertullian, Epiphanies, Ruffinus, be. which of them was in confiant ufe ; or whether li- berty of fuch alteration of words was not then ufed. And no Unwritten Report of your Grandfather can afire us, that your Mais- Book or Liturgy was the fame in the Apoffles days as it is now ; nor that it was for boo years the fame in all. the Churches of one Empire ; and that every Bifhop had not power to ufe what Liturgy he pleated, in his own City or Paro- chia : Nor can your Tradition afure us, that what the Father and Grandfather u fed, was ufed from theApo- files, when the Church of Neocxfarea clamoured at S. Bat! for his fingularity and innovations, and S. Bah! re- torts on them, that they at Neocxfarea had fcarce left any thing unchanged : I hope this is not the lefscredible becaufeB,(// hath written it. At leali, I pray hereafter give over your ill praaice of leading Pimple Readers into a Wood of church- HiftorT, to lofe them and the Qzeftion there among a multitude of Citations of old Books, when you know not what elfe to fay (as william 7ohnfon did,} becaufe