Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 37 ) reverent hypocritical abufe of Gods external Worfhip, by others whofoever, will not excufe us for neglecting it. of the Conformifts we muft fpeak anon. 3. By theway I would you could impartially confider,, if the Puritans be fo goodmen, as you fairly confefs them tobe, what the rearon is that Papifts generally are far more fiery againft them than againft thofe whom you fpe:ik fo meanly of as Prelatical Proteffants,? Remember how your Writer after the London Fire, anfwered byDr. Void, did flatter thefe as more fuitable to the Papifts ge- nips in comparifon of the Puritans : And the Unmasler againft . Corbet will tell you out of vvatfon (an honou- rable Witnets hanged for Treafon in Cobham's, &c. Con - fpiracy) how bad the Puritans are, ( comparing therm with the Jefuites :) And if your Laws took place in Eng- land, what abundanceof thefe Puritans would you make Bonfires of? yea your own Relations were not like to . fcape you. They have toldme to my face, how quickly they would otherwife filence me than thePrelates do, if Iwere in their power. And theDecrees De Hereticis corn- burendi6 & exterminandis more fully tell it us. Yea,.. whence is it, that moft certain experienceproveth it, that by how much the nearer any Proteftants genius is to thePapifts, by fo much themore bloody, cruel, malicious, orflanderoto andunmerciful he is to the Puritanes ? You'll fay for both, that it is becaufe the Puritans are molt againfl them, andInterefl ruleth the world. But r anfwer, I. God's Intereft is higheft with every true Chr-iftian : a. I confefs it's true, that Puritans are moft againft Popery : But truly. as far as I have been acquaint= ted with them, they are not moft againft your Perfons, nor would have any mjufticeor cruelty exercifed againft: you But the fear ofyour Faggots, or Ponder-dots, ands fuchs